Wednesday 16 January 2008

Database Assesment

On Monday I had to complete the database assessment I had started before Christmas, I had to add the fields from the information given by my tutor Caroline, once this was done I had to check for mistakes and that I had entered the values correctly, I had to show that I could use database by running queries, creating reports and also to show that I could make up forms. I was pleased when I found out that I had done this right and passed database.

Software Development Assesment

I got into class today and found out that I was going to sit an assessment for software development; I was told that we were going to have three hours in which we had to create a program and finish the assessment. Firstly I had to think about the analysis and design of the program I was to create, for this I outlined what was asked of me and to explain in simplest terms what the program was going to do, once I had done this I started to put together my program thinking carefully about how I was construct it, but just as I got into the swing of things Kathy my tutor told us we were out of time for today, I now only have next weeks class to finish this and feel confidant that I will do so.

Wednesday 14 November 2007

Sir Alexander Fleming

I’m here with Sir Alexander Fleming to ask him about his life and his amazing discovery, Penicillin, and how it has help change the way people are treated for all sorts of bacterial infections.

Q. Hello sir I’ll start off with an easy one.
Where were you born?

A. Well I was born at Lochfield near Darvel in Airshire, Scotland on August 6th, 1881.

Q. At what age did you decided to study medicine and where did you do this?

A. It’s been such a long time but after attending St Mary’s medical School, London University and Qualifying with a distinction in 1906 I was 24. I studied under Sir Almroth Wright, whom was a pioneer in vaccine therapy that’s when I gained my M.B., B.S., with a gold medal in 1908; from there I became a lecturer at St Mary’s until 1914. “Not to bad if I do say so myself”.

Q. When and what made you decide to take the route of Microbiology?

A. It was early in my life, I became interested in the natural action of blood in antiseptics, what furthered this interest was being able to continue my studies throughout my military career. It was during this that I discovered in an important bacteriolytic substance which I named lysozyme.

Q. How did you come across penicillin?

A. I had observed that mould had developed accidentally on a staphylococcus culture plate and that the mould had created a bacteria-free circle around itself. I was inspired to further experiment and found that a mould culture prevented growth of staphylococci, even when diluted 800 times. I named this active substance penicillin.

Q. How do you feel that your discovery was taken?

A. A lot of well respected Dr’s expressed optimism that penicillin could be used as a disinfectant due to its high potency with minimal toxicity compared to other antiseptics of the day. But I remained convinced there was more to the strain.

Wednesday 7 November 2007

The Enchanted Forest pg12

You walk through the gates Ahead of you, as you look around and take in the horror the smell of sulphur is overpowering, it feels like hell on earth.
You here a distant rumbling as you walk to the centre of this hell your fear is almost crippling, just then the Devil himself rises, the shadow engulfs you as this monster towers above.
You see a glint from the corner of you eye it’s the sword of Pythagoras and the Spear of Isosceles .

Do you fight with sword of Pythagoras?


Do you fight with the magic Spear of Isosceles ?

Wednesday 31 October 2007

The Pain

My Girlfriend roped me in to going horse riding with her, and with some hessitation i thought yeah something new this should be fun.
When i got on the beast i realised finally why male Jockys wear tights., cause they would have no nuts and would never be able to father children if they didn't. here's me in baggy jogging bottoms and hadn't even moved on the horse yet. Just then this little 11 year old girl shouts walk on, and the horse stated moving whitch wasn't to bad, but then she turns to me and says "lets go for a canter" and starts running like like she's going for Gold, the pain on the nuts was unberable as they bounced off the saddel.
After what seemed like an eternity we came to a stop and jumped off the horse, Michelle shouted "wasn't that fun" i said yes it was Fantastic.
But for the rest of the day i was walking like John Wayne.


Two men are walking down the road and see a dog licking its balls.

The first man says: "Gee, I wish I could do that."

The second man replies: "Better pet him first. He might bite."

Wednesday 17 October 2007

Collaberative Writing

The Terror filling me right now is unbareable the thought of losing anyone else is unthinkable, but instead of wollowing in self pitty im going to turn this hole mess around and im go to find all the people responsable for what happened to my brother, They will feel what suffering realy is and my Terror will become there's.
Firstly though i must go check on my parents and tell them that there son is gone...

