Wednesday 16 January 2008

Database Assesment

On Monday I had to complete the database assessment I had started before Christmas, I had to add the fields from the information given by my tutor Caroline, once this was done I had to check for mistakes and that I had entered the values correctly, I had to show that I could use database by running queries, creating reports and also to show that I could make up forms. I was pleased when I found out that I had done this right and passed database.

Software Development Assesment

I got into class today and found out that I was going to sit an assessment for software development; I was told that we were going to have three hours in which we had to create a program and finish the assessment. Firstly I had to think about the analysis and design of the program I was to create, for this I outlined what was asked of me and to explain in simplest terms what the program was going to do, once I had done this I started to put together my program thinking carefully about how I was construct it, but just as I got into the swing of things Kathy my tutor told us we were out of time for today, I now only have next weeks class to finish this and feel confidant that I will do so.